Consider the Lilies

“The only Commandment I ever obeyed — ‘Consider the Lilies.” — Emily Dickinson

We explored a new to us part of the Lake Superior Hiking Trail with friends this past Sunday. They took us up a muddy trail through stands of cedar trees which smelled so good after the rain. We hiked on a couple miles to an amazing stretch of the trail where showy lady slippers fanned out along a ridge down to the creek below. It truly took your breath away.

As we stood in silence and wonder, I remembered Jesus words, “Consider the lilies how they grow.” The Greek word for “consider” means “to look carefully at” or “closely examine.”  And the Greek word for “lilies” means “wild flowers.”  We truly did this. We took our time and lots of pictures. There was so much beauty in that moment. We gazed at the hundreds of little moccasin blossoms that we knew were going to last only briefly. God truly is an amazing gardener.

With more time now, I am trying my hand at gardening. I have to say it is going just okay.  My gardens are nothing like the gardens of my own grandmother or other grandmas like Mildred Hall.  Mildred had the most beautiful gardens in her very hilly yard in the East Hillside of Duluth. She would often share her flowers with you, and even better, she was generous with her raspberries. She had a huge raspberry patch that took up half her yard.  At her funeral one of her grandson’s shared, “You remember what visiting Grandma’s house was all about- the raspberries.  Raspberries, those beautiful, succulent red berries that were rumored to be grown in heaven and delivered by angels who actually flew down to earth to place them on her plants. In her capable hand she turned this heavenly berry into a mouthwatering raspberry pie.”

In addition to being an incredible gardener, Mildred was also deeply faithful. She kept a gratitude journal and wrote in it each day. One of her entries read, 1. I am grateful for my daughter who sent me this book; 2. for all of my loving family; 3. the showers this morning that seemed to make the grass greener; 4. the friend I could call for a ride to church (John Hawley);  5.  the beautiful church service with two baptisms  and, 6. the scripture I read often Luke 12: 27- “Consider the lilies how they grow, they neither toil nor spin yet I tell you even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.  But if God so clothes the grass which is alive in the field today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more he will love you.”

Consider the lilies.  May this be a commandment that you always keep too.

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